Sunday, April 21, 2013

Baby Blankets!

I have been busy weaving and knitting baby blankets in the last few months. Here is a sample of what I have finished.

I completed two baby blankets based on the pattern called "Magnolia Blossom" from Design Challenges Monograph One - S.S. Piroch, page 59. This pattern was sent out as a sample exchange from Handweavers, Spinners and Dyers of Alberta.

The warp is mercerised cotton while the weft is Bernat Handicrafter Cotton. I did one with a green variegated weft and another with blue variegated weft. The warp is blue & green in blocks.
Blue variegated weft.

Blue baby blanket

Close up on the blue blanket

Green Weft

Close up of Green Weft

Another baby blanket project features houses and flowers. The weft is mop cotton yarn and 2/8 cotton and the warp is a variety of colours in 2/8 cotton.

Some flowers have stems. Other flowers do not have stems.

On one side of the blanket the houses and flowers are indented while the other side the houses and flowers puff out.

The final blanket is a Wave Blanket pattern which is from Loop Knits
I have made this blanket before and it fun to knit. I used Bernat Handicrafter Yarn which makes it very washable.


Monday, April 15, 2013

First Woven Basket

Last Friday I took a woven basket session with a Lethbridge Weaver Member. It was a great session.
I made a small basket out of reed.


I really enjoyed working with the reed and the process.

I plan to get some more reed and explore with different shapes and forms.


Sunday, April 07, 2013

mycoderma aceti

Mycoderma aceti, or mother of vinegar is an organism that transforms wine into vinegar. Like its namesake, this representation of the transitions and transformations that occur during pregnancy starts with the felted husk over a webbing that transitions from an empty uterus to a full living organism through an infusion of air via artificial air pump controlled by the viewer. Without the interaction from the viewer the mycoderma aceti transitions slowly back to its original form.

A recent creation!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Thaw Hut Competition

@djcworkshop and me (@ms_kittyblack) entered into a Thaw Hut Competition for MADE Edmonton.

Our Thaw Hut submission was accepted so we are headed up to Edmonton next weekend to build our project.

To learn more about the Thaw Hut Competition visit the website located here:

To see our submission and sketches visit these two links: